Upcoming Events:

• June 20th at 7:30pm - Opening Night Concert
Klaus Lang’s molten trees and performances/works by Institute composer faculty members Natacha Diels and Andrew Nathaniel McIntosh

• June 30th at 3pm - Festival Concert 1
James Budinich - A Late Frame*
Natacha Diels - Panik (bread)
Andrew Nathaniel McIntosh - we see the flying bird
Margaret Kogos - Radiance*

• June 30th at 7:30pm - Festival Concert 2
Linda Catlin Smith - Morandi
Wells Leng - a thoughtful meditation on six and a half bars of Couperin's "Les Barricades Mystérieuses"*
Ancel Neely - Where They Are*
Vasily Ratmansky - My Garden*

• July 1st at 3pm - Festival Concert 3
Brandon Becker - Repetitions (or, Music as a Means of Processing Trauma)*
Andrew Nathaniel McIntosh - Hyenas in the Temples of Pleasure
Adam Zuckerman - Light porous world. Heap of shells.*

• July 1st at 7:30pm - Festival Concert 4
Alex Mincek - Pendulum VI: Trigger
Reilly Spitzfaden - Selist*
Adam Strawbridge - bloom*
Kitty Xiao - Xphae Drones*
* - world premiere performance